Understand your fit for law
The Legal Career Compass is a 30-minute assessment that results in personalized toolkits that can help you in each milestone of your legal career — from finding practice areas and workplaces of interest to being a better student, professional, and person.
See where you fit into the legal industry.
We have the largest collection of data for successful and satisfied attorneys. And it's that last part that's really critical, because we want you to not only be successful, but also to be satisfied.
You'll be measuring qualities about who you are as a person. Then you'll see how that matches up and aligns with other successful and happy lawyers. And that gives you powerful clues and insights into what you can do to be successful.
Find your law fit
Understand your personality, strengths and how you compare with our database of thousands of practicing lawyers on 22 different traits.
This guides you on what types of practice areas, work settings, and internships may be a good fit for you.
Advance your career
Learn about the most effective way to communicate at work, what roles you'd prefer, what kind of leader you are, and more.
Take advantage of your specific traits and tendencies to have the most satisfying and rewarding career.
Help your advisors help you
Give your advisors a snapshot of who you are as a person, how to best support you and communicate with you, how to help you handle conflict and stress, and how to guide you in forming a career plan.
Self-development toolkits
Each toolkit includes a report relevant to each topic according to your personality profile, and activities to help you with each self-development goal you have for yourself.
Becoming a better leader
Building strong professional relationships
How I see the world
Improving communication with me
Improving my learning and grades
Managing stress and anxiety
Solving a personal problem
Solving a work problem
Strengthening personal relationships
Ready to jump in?
In just 30 minutes, you'll gain valuable insights specially designed to guide you in your career in law.